Hello everyone at SGI, I am selling original Soka Buddhist altars in Japan. Please watch the video.

Greetings to all our SGI friends!

ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE MYSELF. My name is Yukihiro Shima from Koga City in Ibaraki prefecture where I am the CEO of a specialty Soka Gakkai Butsudan retail outlet called Renaissance, a limited company, which I have operated for the past 42 years.

My ongoing dream is to be able to make Soka Butsudans available to SGI members.

I have the experience of sending SGI Buddhist products to several overseas countries including the Hawaii Islands, Hong Kong, Taiwan, New Zealand, and Germany, as well as providing the members from those countries with goods to take home with them on their return.

In fact, in the past, because my company had to rely on the overseas customers to organize export of these items, one could say that my company was lacking in such matters.

However, we now have a formal arrangement to send Butsudans and accessories overseas. However, when setting-up this export agreement, I discovered the high sending charges and taxes applied to imports in the country the items are sent to.

In 2022 I received a mail-order requesting a Butsudan for the German Kosen-rufu movement.

Following zoom meetings and discussions through mail with the customer, the Butsudan maker and our company, a design was agreed upon and the Butsudan was completed in May of 2023 with the customer arriving for a 10 day stay in Japan to confirm the final details and bring the entire project to a successful conclusion.

Following zoom meetings and discussions through mail with the customer, the Butsudan maker and our company, a design was agreed upon and the Butsudan was completed in May of 2023 with the customer arriving for a 10 day stay in Japan to confirm the final details and bring the entire project to a successful conclusion.

provide Butsudans which can be taken back to the customer’s home country in a carry case.

Because of, or perhaps thanks to the INNOVATIVE ideas of SGI members, we have been able to lower the Butsudan freight charges as they are lighter as well as being the only one’s of their kind anywhere in the world.

Therefore, if you would like an original Japanese made SGI Butsudan that is totally unique, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me by mail.

Morning and evening I do my best to chant the daimoku of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for the sake of Worldwide kosen-rufu, World Peace, the development and growth of SGI, and that all humanity may be able to change its karma.

Finally, as a proud member of SGI, I will continue to exert myself in the spirit of Yu-myo-sho-jin (bravery and vigorously) as I take responsibility for drama of my human revolution in advancing worldwide kosen-rufu.

Thank you sincerely for reading this to the end.


いいね または フォローしてね!
